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Article Title :

Gender, Territory and Entrepreneurship Among Unemployed Graduates in Physical Activities and Sports: The Case of Tunisia

Feminist Research

5 (2021)



Attitude , Entrepreneurship , Gender , Sports , Social Norms , Unemployment

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Nationally, Tunisia is not entrepreneurial. It shows a deficit in the creation of innovative businesses. At the regional level, the revitalization of disadvantaged regions facing a problem of underemployment, in particular of highly educated graduates, is justified by the revitalizing entrepreneurial behavior in these areas. This observation is also valid in the sports sector, where unemployment has reached 100% since 2011. Because of this system crisis, which has broken out in Tunisia, we propose in what follows to consider the aspects relating to regional deficiencies by gender, in terms of sports entrepreneurship. The objective of this study is to identify the outlines of a regional catching-up strategy, so that the creation of a ludo-sports project is a challenge that graduates of stapsistes should take up that graduates of stapsistes should take up, pertaining the spirit of equity between the two sexes. This equality is not only desired for an objective of social justice, but also as an essential condition for complementarity and healthy economic development. The results of this quantitative study with 300 unemployed stapsistes belonging to three regions of Tunisia (Kef, Grand Tunis and Gafsa), revealed a favorable entrepreneurial behaviour towards a very favorable entrepreneurial reaction towards the creation of project and a positive correlation between gender, territory and entrepreneurship factors. However, only the Gafsois group seems to be different from the other groups, as it shows a very strong correlation, explained in particular by the socio-cultural factors related to the region.

The unemployment in sports sector reached 100% since 2011.

The study was focused identify the outlines of a regional catching-up strategy for creation of a ludo-sports project pertaining the spirit of equity between the two sexes.

The quantitative study conducted with 300 unemployed stapsistes belonging to three regions of Tunisia (Kef, Grand Tunis and Gafsa).

The study revealed a favorable entrepreneurial behaviour towards a very favorable entrepreneurial reaction towards the creation of project and a positive correlation between gender, territory and entrepreneurship factors.


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