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Article Title :

Use of AHP based Weighted Analysis for Impact Assessment of Coastal Tourism in Ratnagiri District, Maharashtra (India): Respondents’ Point of View

6 (2022)



Analytic Hierarchy Process , Coastal area , Experts’ Opinion , Tourism , Weighted overlay

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The MCDM-AHP technique was used for impact assessment of tourism on socioeconomic development in the coastal area with respondents’ point of view. The responses from native people were recorded using questionnaires through interviews about selected nine criteria including accessibility and connectivity, amenities, health care facilities, business, employability, standard of living, cultural values, agriculture and fisheries, and immovable properties. The literature review, fieldwork and experts’ opinions are fundamental keys to select the criteria and determination of ranks. About 35.55% respondents reported higher impact of tourism, 29.14% respondents informed moderate impact, 25.69% respondents reported less impact and 9.62% respondents reported very less impact of tourism activities on development in the region. The development of reported criteria varies according the beach area and relative location of the beaches on the shoreline. The beaches located far south and away from district headquarter show relatively less development. The focus of investment should be concentrated on development of the accessibility and connectivity, required amenities, health care facilities, small-scale business, employability, cultural values, agriculture and fisheries to improve the tourism activities for improving standard of living of native people in the region. The methodology, techniques and results achieved in this study can be useful for planning and monitoring the tourism activities for sustainable and uniform development in the similar areas.

The tourism activities in the study area are useful for socioeconomic development of the native people.

The MCDM-AHP weighted analysis was used for impact assessment of tourism on socioeconomic development in this coastal area with respondents’ point of view.

About 35.55% respondents reported higher, 29.14% moderate, 25.69% less and 9.62 % very less impact of tourism activities.

The focus of investment should be concentrated on development of the required amenities and services to improve the tourism activities.


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