Article Title :
Examining the Social Situation of Rural Women in Taounate Province, Northern Morocco
7 (2023)
Gender , Girls , Morocco , Rural , Taounate , Women
Gender inequality remains a pervasive problem, with cultural, traditional and ideological factors as well as religious interpretations, contributing to differences and inequalities between men and women. These differences can lead to gender disparities in the division of labor and the undervaluation of women’s contributions in various aspects of life. This study aims to explore the social situation of rural women in Morocco, with a particular focus on the Taounate Province in the country’s northern region. The paper investigates whether rural women and girls have been adequately considered in governmental actions and development initiatives, and if so, whether these initiatives effectively benefit them. Additionally, the study assesses how these actions may contribute to or hinder the success of development in rural areas. Ultimately, this research sheds light on the challenges and opportunities are faced by rural women in Taounate Province and provide insights into potential solutions to address the gender disparities that continue to exist in these communities.
What strategies can be employed for enhancing the capabilities of rural women and girls to transform their current circumstances?
The paper focused for identifying the key impediments to the success of human development projects in Taounate.
Most statistical reports are unveiling the reasons behind the underrepresentation of rural women and girls.
Despite the implementation of numerous literacy campaigns explores the persistence of female illiteracy in certain rural areas.
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