Article Title :
Factors Behind Women’s Decision Making Autonomy: An Analysis from Nationally Representative Survey
7 (2023)
Women , Physical Movement , NFHS , India , Autonomy

The socioeconomic variables have a strong impact on the decision-making and physical movement of women, worldwide studies suggest the same. In this study, we have tried to know the various determinants of women’s autonomy. We have taken the data from the fourth round National Family Health Survey (NFHS) (2015-16), published by the International Institution on Population Sciences (IIPS). For the statistical analysis, we used basic descriptive statistics and cross-tabulation between the socioeconomic variables and autonomy responses. Later to predict the occurrence of various autonomy aspects, binary logistic regression has been used with various socioeconomic variables. After getting the results, it has come to know that women’s decision-making and freedom of movement-related autonomy are largely influenced by socioeconomic variables. Major findings stated that with increasing age of women, autonomy increases. Women who belong to the rural setup have a low level of autonomy. From a religious perspective, women from the Muslim community have lower autonomy. Apart from these women have higher education, employed and in rich households have a higher likelihood of autonomy. Based on the outcomes, it is clear to us that women’s autonomy is largely influenced by their socioeconomic condition.

Higher educated women were more likely to participate in decision-making in all the three outcome measures.
Employed women were more likely to have autonomy than unemployed women.
The age of the women got as a vital factor in the enhancement of decision-making autonomy.
Their wealth status and place of residence influence the autonomy outcomes of the women.
The women from the rural area had limited autonomy related to physical movement than urban area.
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