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Article Title :


Remote Sensing of Land

Vijay Bhagat

1 (2017)



Articles , Research Reports , Methods , Techniques , Sensors , Land , Remote Sensing

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‘Remote sensing of land’ publishes research reports on all type of remote sensing sensors, database, innovative methods and techniques used for data analysis, imaging, mapping, fusion, etc. Article published in the issue are genuine research reports on land use/cover classification, change detection analysis, thematic detection and delineation of land units, image enhancement techniques using medium to fine resolution data sets. Rigorous review on microwave remote sensing of soil moisture gives thorough reports on methods and techniques used. I hope articles of this and upcoming issues will be helpful to enrich wide range of audience interested in geo-spatial analysis, mapping and monitoring the bio-physical units.

Land is reasonably stable or predictably cyclic bio-physical unit of the earth’s surface.

Remote Sensing techniques are an efficient tool to make solid scientific base to bridge the gap between knowledge demand and availability for sustainable land management.

‘Remote Sensing of Land’ publishes innovative methods and techniques used for remote sensing and analysis of land.

The issue consists of genuine research reports on land use/cover classification, change detection analysis, thematic detection and delineation of land units, image enhancement techniques using medium to fine resolution data sets.

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