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Native Feminism in the Globalized Indian English Novel

Feminist Research

P. R. Bhabad

1 (2017)



Feminism , Social realism , Gender discrimination , Industrialization , Urbanization , Globalization

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Fictional medium is really very useful to know reality of society. Literature and visual art used realistically to depict several methods in which perfect description of feminism is the aim. The novel is depiction of day to day life, custom and the woman is portrayed as the key figure of Indian families and at the same time, she has been projected as the subject of suffering domestic slavery and suppression. Native feminism in India is not as aggressive as feminism in the West. Patriarchy is another name of native feminism reflected in the novels; through self-realization, it is expected that the woman can emerge as a new woman. The social realist writers have been very much interested in recording social changes and the status of women. Industrialization, urbanization and globalization have brought considerable changes in social life and status of women in India. Position of educated women is quite better than illiterate but gender discrimination still persists. To face all hurdles of their life the next generation women very boldly and intelligently achieve their aims to get their identity.

The novel is depiction of day to day life, custom and the woman is portrayed as the key figure.

Native feminism in India is not as aggressive as feminism in the West.

Industrialization, urbanization and globalization have brought considerable changes in Indian women.

Educated women position is quite better than illiterate but gender discrimination still persists.


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