Special Issues Proposal
Proposals for Special Issues
Online publication
GATHA COGNITION® publishes online journals to serve academic outputs at doorstep with high standard and impact. We open partnership options with individuals, organisations, funding agencies for online publications and editorial services. We adopt green policy for publication and publish all journal articles, book chapters and books electronically on www.gathacognition.com.
Invitation for Special Issues
We invite proposals from the Guest Editors for Special Issues of our Journal on focused theme of your interests:
1. Remote Sensing of Land
2. Feminist Research
Please find aim and scope of the journal on their home pages at Online Platform.
The Guest Editors login to Manuscript Portal® to submit articles for special issue of the journal and contact to support@gathacognition.com for more details.
Manuscript Portal®
We use Manuscript Portal® for submission of new manuscript, performing reviews and editorial decision of submitted manuscripts. Please visit www.gathacognition.com for functionality checklists for authors, reviewers, editors, editorial office, etc.
Articles: Online First
GATHA COGNITION® prepares articles uniquely and immediately publishes online journals at www.gathacognition.com after compliance of editorial processes, therefore author need not wait for publication of forthcomming issue of the journal. Author(s) submit their manuscript(s) as soon as finalizing the draft so that the Editorial Office conducts the review and editorial processes for submitted articles.
Open Access
Research institutes, societies, funding agencies, etc. can provide funds for accepted and published journal articles and issues to make ‘Open Access’ for permanent free access to view and download. Accepting the 'Open Access' facilities are strictly on author’s choice and not mandatory for publication of article(s).
Open Access Charges are stated at home page of the journal.
Author can make his/her article open access on payment of 'Open Access Charges' paid through link available on author account at Manuscript Portal®.
Language editing
GATHA COGNITION® provides paid language editing facilities for articles, book chapters, books, etc. on demand. Please contact for more details on email: lang_edit@gathacognition.com