Gatha Cognition®
Perception, Learning and Reasoning


Editors, Reviewers and Authors are key partners of GATHA COGNITION®. We provide optimal services and experiences to our partners.

Editorial policies

GATHA COGNITION® conducts rigorous assessments and reviews for all submitted manuscripts including journal articles, book chapters, book, etc. to achieve high standard and impact. Editors and Reviewers perform benchmark roles at different levels of manuscript processing to achieve quality products. 

  • Editorial Assessments
  1. Initial Check

The Managing Editor checks manuscripts initially for:

  • Scope
  • Quality
  • Formatting
  • Etc.

The Managing Editor forwards only well formatted quality manuscripts to the Editor-in-Chief for final consideration.


Figure 1. Editorial Process adopted by GATHA COGNITION®


   2. Peer Review

The Editor-in-Chief (EIC) appoints the Panel of Reviewers (POR) to review the verified manuscript by the Editorial Office. The Managing Editor conducts the entire review process with the help of Editorial office, journal guidelines as well as instructions given by the EIC. POR consists of three eminent experts in the field and minimum two reports of reviewers required for final decision. informs EIC on two reports of reviewers received online.

POR assesses the manuscript for:

  • Innovations
  • Scope
  • Methodology, techniques and data used
  • Explanations and justifications
  • Contributions
  • Applicability
  • Over all flow of writing
  • Language
  • Etc.

Reviewers submit their confidential reports to EIC including manuscript rating and comments for author using online facilities on Manuscript Portal®.

Revised manuscripts are also processed through all these steps.


  3.   Editorial Decision

The Editor-in-Chief makes decision about reviewed manuscript based on confidential comments for editor and comments for author(s) appeared in review reports (minimum two) as well as his observations.

  • Decline

Manuscript returns to the author without peer review in case of manuscript quality is not up to the mark.

  • Accept

Manuscript accepted for publication in the journal.

  • Minor revision

Manuscript returns to author with the comments of reviewers and editors for minor revision and resubmission.

  • Major revision

Manuscript returns to author with the comments of reviewers and editors for major revision and resubmission.

  • Reject

Manuscript rejected for publication in the journal based on adverse comments of reviewer(s) and editor(s).

 4.  Revision and Resubmission

Author(s) can revise his/her manuscript according to comments of the editors and reviewers for improvements and resubmit using the link given on author account and email notification as early as possible. Corresponding author uploads corrected files and data only and he/she need not change previously uploaded correct files and data.

The Managing Editor checks revised manuscript for expected changes and forwards to EIC for final consideration. EIC again appoints the POR to review the revised manuscript and makes decision based on their comments and suggestions.


  •  Copy Editing

It is in-house editing for consistency, formatting, over all flow, figures, tables, captions, references, information about author(s), funding agency, institutes, acknowledgements, citations, quotations, etc.

  •  Language Corrections

The Language Editor checks accepted manuscript for grammar, spellings, syntax, abbreviations, synonyms, writing flow, etc., in-house. Poor quality manuscripts return to author(s) for language corrections and sometimes suggested for checking by professional language editors.

  •  Layout

Editorial office forwards accepted and corrected manuscripts to production unit for final layout of journal article, book chapter or book.

 Proof Readings

Production unit uploads final copy of journal article, book chapter and book on author account, for final checking by author. Production unit makes minor changes according to suggestions made by the author(s) up to the final stage, if required. This corrected copy again sent to author(s) for final checking, corrections and approval. Approved copy is ready for publication.


Your article/book is published.

GATHA COGNITION® publishes accepted articles and book chapters as ‘online first’ immediately after completion of copy editing, language corrections, final layout and proof checking. These articles and book chapters are lined out for upcoming journal issues and books. GATHA COGNITION® adopted green policy for publication and publish all articles, book chapters and books electronically on www.gathacognition.com. Therefore, author need not wait for upcoming issues of the journals and books.


The Editorial Team and experienced reviewers are helping to perform the editorial and production processes e.g. manuscript submission, reviews, decision, copy editing, formatting and publication.



The Editor-in-Chief, the Managing Editor, the Associate Editor, the Editorial Board (members), the Copy Editor and the Language Editor are involved in editorial processing of manuscripts submitted to GATHA COGNITION®. Please visit home page of the journal or book on the Online Platform at www.gathacognition.com for details of journal policies and Manuscript Portal® for guide for online Editorial management.


  •  Editor-in-Chief

Editor-in-Chief (EIC) monitors entire process of manuscript assessment and decision. GATH COGNITION® established fully mechanized and robotic system for editorial assessments of manuscript on Manuscript Portal®. The Editorial office appoints eminent scholar of the field as the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal or book.

A. Initial Checking

  • EIC checks the manuscript(s) submitted through Manuscript PortalTM initially for scope, quality, innovations, formatting, etc.
  • EIC may assigns the manuscript(s) to the Associate Editors or the Members of Editorial Board from key areas of specialization for assessments.
  • EIC processes only good quality manuscript for review(s).
  • EIC may declines the poor quality and out of scope manuscript from editorial processes.

B. Blind Review

  • EIC invites expert(s) as a reviewer to review the selected manuscript(s).
  • EIC receives review report(S) online with ratting, confidential comments to editor, comments for author, quality of language, figures, information, overall quality, etc.
  • EIC supports or guides to reviewer(s) for their assessments. 
  • EIC recalls, remained or may un-assigns the reviewer(s) for poor quality and delayed assessments.         

C. Final decision

  • EIC makes about the manuscript on two (minimum) reports of reviewers received online.
  • EIC makes decision based on his/her observation and ratings, observations, comments and suggestion of reviewer(s) given his/her report(s).
  • EIC may ask for report of third referee if controversy reports.


D. Special issues and article

  • EIC invites the proposals from experts for special issues or special section of the journal for focused area.
  • EIC invites the author(s) to write articles on focused area of the field. 


E. Response

  • EIC responds to author, reviewer, editors and editorial office for their jejune queries, comments, suggestions, etc.
  • EIC keeps dialogue with invited experts, authors, editors, etc. for quality and timely products.
  • EIC keeps dialogue with the Editorial Office for manuscript assessments and publications.


Managing Editor

A.  Looks after the editorial office

The Managing Editor looks after the Editorial Office of GATHA COGNITION® including appointment of the EIC, the Associate Editors and other members of the Editorial board, the Copy Editor, the Language Editor, office staff, etc. He/she looks after all activities in the Editorial Office.   

B. Initial assessments of manuscript

  • The Managing Editor checks the manuscript(s) submitted through Manuscript Portal® initially for scope, quality, innovations, formatting, etc.
  • The Managing Editor verifies and only good quality manuscript (s) forwards to EIC for consideration.
  • He/she declines poor quality manuscript from manuscript processing.


C. Looks after the entire editorial process

  • Inform Author on failure or unsubmission of manuscript.
  • The Managing Editor supports EIC to select and appoint the experts on Panel of Referee for submitted and verified manuscript.      
  • The Managing Editor receives reports of reviewers and forwards to EIC through Manuscript Portal®.
  • Keeps contacts with the Editors, reviewers, authors, publishers, etc.
  • Helps to author for resubmission of revised manuscript.
  • Reminder to reviewers for delayed assessments.


 D. Production

The Managing Editor:

  • Forwards accepted manuscript to production unit for layout and formatting.
  • Appoints the Copy Editor and Language Editor for final checking of the manuscript.
  • Monitors proof checking process.

E.  Copyrights

  • The Managing Editor presses formal contract of copyrights with author(s) of accepted manuscript.
  • Uploads Copyrights form for author, receives filed and duly signed form author before publication of the article, book chapter or book.

F.  Publication

  • The Managing Editor receives and publishes fully checked, corrected and formatted according to layout of the Journal on the Online Platform at www.gathacognition.com
  • Achieves all articles, book chapters, books, dissertations, theses, projects reports, etc. permanently on Online Platform.
  • Make arrangements to assign the citation details, affiliations, legal formalities, etc.
  • Keeps contact with organizations for indexing and abstracting of published content.
  • Transfers marketing rights to sells division
  • Looks after the Online Shop and marketing system. 

Associate Editors

Editorial office will appoint the Associate Editor(s).

The Associate Editor(s):

  • Looks after the entire editorial process of section and/or manuscript assigned by the Editor-in-Chief or the Managing Editor
  • Invites reviewers for assigned manuscript(s).
  • Receives reports of reviewers.
  • Prepares his editorial report based on review reports and editorial assessments to submit Editor-in-Chief.
  • Makes decision about manuscript based on his observations and reports of reviewers.
  • Keeps contact with author(s) and reviewers.
  • Keeps contact with EIC, The Managing Editor and The Editorial Office.
  • Forwards accepted manuscript to The Editorial Office on acceptance.   

Editorial Board

The Editorial office appoints the Member(s) of the Editorial board of the Journal or Editorial Books.

Member(s) of looks after

  • He/she assists to EIC or the Associate Editor for Editorial process of the journal or book.
  • Looks after the entire editorial process of section and/or manuscript assigned by the Editor-in-Chief or the Managing Editor
  • Invite reviewers for assigned manuscript(s).
  • Receives reports of reviewers.
  • Prepares his editorial report based on review reports and editorial assessments to submit Editor-in-Chief.
  • Makes decision about manuscript based on his observations and reports of reviewers.
  • Keeps contact with author(s) and reviewers.
  • Keeps contact with EIC, The Managing Editor and The Editorial Office.
  • Forwards accepted manuscript to The Editorial Office on acceptance.    


Copy Editor

  • The Copy Editor checks manuscript for consistency, formatting, over all flow, figures, tables, captions, references, information about author(s), funding agency, institutes, acknowledgements, citations, quotations, etc.

Language Editor

  • The Language Editor checks accepted manuscript for grammar, spellings, syntax, abbreviations, synonyms, writing flow, etc., in-house. He/she may suggest to send back poor quality manuscripts to author(s) for language corrections and sometimes suggested for checking by professional language editors.



Reviewers are key element of editorial assessment of manuscript for quality publications. The Editor-in-Chief or in-charge Editor from the Editor Board of the Journal appoints experts of the field from database or his choice. Author asked to give names of experts for review the submitted manuscript. However, suggested names by the author add in the database and editor(s) selects names randomly from database using key words.     


Reviewer receives email containing invitation for review with title, abstract and key words of the manuscript. Reviewer can accept or decline the invitation by clicking the button and receives confirmation        

Register online

On acceptance of the invitation server automatically forwards reviewers to registration form for filling detail information. On submission of the filled form reviewers gets email for confirmation user ID and password for access the invitation for review the manuscript. He/she can also find the active manuscripts and completed assignments. Reviewers get free access to published manuscript on login this account which manuscript(s) he/she has been assessed. 

Online access to manuscript

Reviewers can access PDF of manuscripts assigned review on his/her account online for view, download or printout, anytime. Reviewers can read or highlight the errors or give instruction in boxes to the author on PDF which can be uploaded with report(s). 

Submit report online

Reviewers submit his/her report online on clicking the link on reviewer’s account or in his email. Reviewers can view reports of other reviewers after successful submission of his/her report.     

Report archive

GATHA COGNITION® archives all review reports Manuscript Portal® which can accessible to reviewers on login of authors account.   

Manuscript tracking

Reviewer can track the progress of the manuscript which he/she has been reviewed Manuscript Portal®.

Access to reviewed articles

GATHA COGNITION® provides free reviewer(s) access (lifetime) to manuscript assessed and published on Online Platform. 

Reviewer credits

Names of the reviewers appear at the end of the issues in the section of acknowledgements. GATHA COGNITION® works with Publons for credit to reviewers.

Please visit home page of the journal or book on the Online Platform at www.gathacognition.com for details of journal policies and Manuscript Portal® for guide for online Editorial management.