Article Title :
The Visual ‘Masculinization’ of Moroccan EFL Textbooks: A Social Semiotic Analysis
5 (2021)
visual representation , textbooks , social semiotics , gender display , Gender bias

The aim of this paper is to examine and assess the portrayal of women and men in the visual contents of Moroccan English as Foreign Language (MEFL, henceforth) textbooks from a social semiotic perspective. Central to the analysis here is Goffman’s (1979) theoretical model of gender display recently heralded as a more powerful technique to unfold the semiotic positioning of women and men in visual images. The analysis of a corpus of photographic data has helped unveil an array of social and cultural misconceptions in discrimination of women. Female characters continue to be linked with submissiveness, absent-mindedness, and socio-psychological vulnerability. They are further presented associated with menial activities, low-status jobs, and oftentimes being positioned in the backstage behind men. The paper ends up presenting the conclusion along with some implications.

The paper focuses on portrayal of women and men in the visual contents of Moroccan English textbooks.
Central to the analysis here is Goffman’s (1979) theoretical model of gender display.
The photographic data has analysis of discrimination of women.
The paper ends up presenting the conclusion along with some implications.
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