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Morphometric and Sinuosity Analysis of Tlawng River Basin: A Geographic Information System Approach

5 (2021)



Sinuosity , GIS , Channel planform , Bifurcation Ratio

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Channel plan-form patterns of river Tlawng has been studied which shows that there is variation in the sinuosity index. This variation is a sign of changing characteristics and behavior of the river. The average sinuosity of the river is 1.41. The sinuosity index is higher in the lower course of the river as it flows through alluvial plain. GIS techniques have been used for studying morphometric parameters. There are 6736 streams in the Tlawng river basin which shows that the topography is still undergoing erosion as the number of stream is high (Zaidi, 2011). The river has low bifurcation ratio which indicates less possibilities of flooding. The drainage density indicates the higher permeable subsoil and moderate to thick vegetative cover. The stream frequency value of the Tlawng river basin is 1.30 streams / km2 which shows a positive relation with drainage density.

This article is an attempt to quantitative study of the morphometric parameters of Tlawng river basin.

Sinousity index of different courses has been calculated to understand the planform characteristics of the river.

Morphometric analysis is useful for flood management, ground water assessment, soil erosion assessment and water resource management.

The topography is still undergoing erosion due to large stream number.


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