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Ecotourism Potential Zone Mapping by Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Weighted Linear Algorithm: A Study on West Bengal, India

5 (2021)



Analytic Hierarchy Process , AHP , Dominant and Distinctive Function , Ecotourism Potential Zones , weighted linear algorithm

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This study was designed to demarcate the Ecotourism Potential Zones (ETPZs) of West Bengal using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and weighted linear algorithm by considering three sustainable tourism parameters and sixteen indicators. Those three parameters are 1) physical (P), 2) social (S), and 3) availability of scenic beauty and infrastructures (ASI). Overall, 5 parameters are merged under physical (P), 2 parameters are integrated under social (S), and 9 parameters are incorporated under availability of scenic beauty and infrastructures (ASI). A 4-step procedure has been adopted for this study: 1) a simple hierarchical structure has been outlined, 2) pair-wise comparison matrices are formed, 3) weighted linear algorithm technique is utilized to get the ecotourism potentiality zone, and 4) ecotourism potentiality map is classified into high, moderate and low categories based on the principle of Dominant and Distinctive Function (DDF). As a result, about 61.65% area is identified with high ecotourism potential zone, 17.86% area is observed under the moderate ecotourism potential zone, and 20.48% area is recognized as the low ecotourism potential zone. Thus, the study considers an exceptional methodological framework that is applicable in any region of the world.

Ecotourism potential zones are demarcated using three sustainable tourism parameters and sixteen indicators.

Five parameters are merged under physical (P), 2 parameters are integrated in social (S) and 9 parameters are incorporated under availability of scenic beauty and infrustructures (ASI).

Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Weighted Linear Algorithm techniques are used for the study.

About 61.65% area is identified with high ecotourism potential zone, 17.86% area is observed under the moderate ecotourism potential zone, and 20.48% area is recognized as the low ecotourism potential zone.

The study considers an exceptional methodological framework that is applicable in any region of the world.


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